Uses of the Past in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice: Summer School 8th - 14th July 2018

Advanced doctoral students and early career researchers in the area of Islamic Legal Studies, have been selected to participate in the USPPIP Summer School. Hosted at the University of Exeter from the 8th - 14th July 2018,   the aims of the Summer School are for participants to:

1. Share research findings in Islamic law and gain feedback from the peers and the USPPIP project team, preparing that research for publication.
2. Contribute to the research agenda of the USPPIP project through discussions and translations of original source material not currently available in English.
3. Network with an international group of scholars and explore new avenues for future research in Islamic legal studies.

Summer School activities will include:
1. The presentation and discussion of a pre-distributed piece of research writing (maximum 10,000 words) from each participant.
2. The development of a translation (with introduction and/or commentary) of original source material, previously unavailable in English which informs our study of the “uses of the past” in Islamic law (maximum 3000 words in English).

Participants will arrive on Saturday 7th July and leave on Saturday 14th July. Sunday’s programme will consist of introductory activities. Intensive sessions will take place Monday to Friday and will include private study time, collaborative work and occasional recreational outings exploring the city of Exeter and its environs.

The Summer School sessions will take place in the Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies. Participants will include members of the USPPIP team (drawn from the universities of Bergen, Exeter, Gottingen and Leiden), invited scholars and members of the Centre for the Study of Islam in the University of Exeter.
